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Speed and Efficiency video icon

      The Marketvisionplus software, and all the historical data, are installed on your computer’s hard drive. This gives it its incredible speed, as 95% of the data comes from your computer. Your database contains all the historical data up to the previous day. The "Update" button is used to update your database for the previous day.


Only the data for the current day comes from our servers. Without the online mode activated, the software works in historical mode only.

on line

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By activating the Online button, the online features appear.

on line 2

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Here are some other great features of the online mode:


      The principle of the historical database being managed by your computer and the access to our servers for intra-session data, is a winning combination for those who like things to be done quickly and easily.

      Marketvisionplus is your tool for information management and your companion for decision making. Consult the next pages to read more about the effectiveness of Marketvisionplus or listen to the videos at the end of each description to understand the full meaning.

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