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Michel Carignan Who is Michel Carignan?

First WebTV appearance

      In March 2010, Michel Carignan and Decision-Plus, in the first HD-TV studio dedicated to technical analysis, became the first to broadcast a Live daily WebTV show, "Le Feu de l'Action", on the website www.decisionplus.com. The first live daily broadcast on the web dealt with finance and of course technical analysis. Michel Carignan and Decision-Plus have also been the first to create a real-time coaching website for stock market investors: www.MarketGurus.tv. It's a room filled with fundamental and technical analysts, computers, cameras and other audiovisual equipment. www.MarketGurus.tv is a dedicated and honest team, aiming to be at the service of investors. All these elements are used to inform and assist investors on a daily basis.

The story continues...


April 25, 2024 21:28
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